> At 11:42 11/03/2002 +0200, Marko Karppinen wrote:
> >Shane wrote:
> >
> > > I think dl is an extremely important feature, and issues surrounding
> > > should be fixed.
> >
> >I'm absolutely, positively +1 on this.
> >
> >On the Mac OS X side of things, we are in the interesting situation of
> Apple should be using php.ini for extensions and not require the user to
> call dl() wich is sucky.
> I still am not quite sure why it's such a big deal to add shared
> to php.ini.
> I don't agree that PHP extensions necessarily require dl(). There are many
> programs out there in the computer industry (such as Apache) which require
> you to add extensions in an INI file.

I don't see this as an Apple issue at all, though from the comments I guess
it could fix an issue for that platform as well.

The issue to me is a matter of usability.  I want to have a single
installation of PHP, but may have many different situations under which I
use that installation.  Perhaps one application uses modules x, y and z
extensively, another uses a, b and c extensively, and perhaps d very rarely.
Lets say neither uses extensions the other app uses.  The current situation
is that I must load all extensions in php.ini irregardless of use, or I must
use -c to specify an ini file, etc.  I prefer not to load extensions unless
I really need them, but PHP simply does not provide an easy effective means
to do that.  Perl and Python both do and you never have to think about
messing with an ini file.  I think far PHP has put far too much reliance on
the ini file.


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