From: "Stefan Esser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Have a look at Sorry everything is German. If
> Hmm yeah but if your browser is really not able to do proper
> negotiation, there is still an "english" button in the right lower
edge of
> the page...

Yeah, I have found it now, if I make the window sooo large that I
cannot see my TV.

> > regocnize what I mean. The generated URLs are patents.
> > Please ask Hartmut for more details.
> Ask more about what? That this stuff is patented is funny, because
it shows
> how idiotic the european law is, but thats another story. Anyway I
> what Hartmut can tell me about Sevenval that I don't already know

Sevenval HIT based on the patented Host Identification Tracking
technology, is a new method of enabling even suppliers advertising
on heavily visited websites to analyze the efficacy of their web
presentation and improve it using a range of statistical tools.

Sevenval was a sponsor for the PHP Kongress in 2000
( The company logo appeared only
on the page at Hartmut´s summary.


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