
I'm a bit confused about the ongoing projects aiming towards a
standard for database abstraction in PHP. There is DBA
[ http://php.net/dba ], PEAR DB and a project by l0t3k (and
many, many more).

So what is going to be "the standard" in PHP's future?

I think l0t3k is working on a C based solution, but there are several
reasons I'd like to see it written in PHP. PHP code could be easily
extended to handle mechanisms such as

- caching: only a SELECT? then read from cached file (serialized
           result set). INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE? then refresh cache.
- safety: server1 down? ok, move to backup server2.

- redundancy: randomly spread read-only queries (SELECT) to servers in
              a cluster.
(- extensibility (I put this in brackets, as it is only a vague idea):
   For example missing features in MySQL such as subselects could be
   simulated by using temporary HEAP tables. This would make this
   abstraction layer even more powerful than accessing the database

Most important: this all works *transparently* to the user's script.
                A system administrator could adjust this abstraction
                layer to fit the system configuration. The users would
                just include this file in their projects and never get in
                touch with these things.
What do you think? Am I completely wrong/fantasising/talking too much?


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