Markus Fischer wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 29, 2002 at 09:14:46AM -0800, Shane Caraveo wrote : 
>>Markus Fischer wrote:
>>>   Hi,
>>>   how much thread-safe is PHP on linux when compiled with
>>>   --enable-experimental-zts ? When I a set up a callback
>>>   handler for a 3rd library which uses threads and in this (C)
>>>   callback I call call_user_function() (to provide custom
>>>   callbacks) -> bang , I get a segfault. Should it work and I'm
>>>   doing something stupid or is this some limitation? Hints?
>>>   - Markus
>>PHP is thread safe, not multi-threaded.  ie. scripts cannot be 
>>multi-threaded.  You will have to somehow proxy the data back to the 
>>original calling thread for your library to work.
>     Ah, understood. So, the short answer would be it was by own
>     stupidity ;-)
>     About proxying the data .. you don't happen to have some more
>     description or resource how to accomplish this before I try
>     to reinvent the wheel ? thanks.
>     - Markus

You'll probably be able to get away with using condition variables, but 
it's too much to describe, and I haven't done much pthreads stuff.  You 
could get the o'reilly pthreads book for reference, or dig around for 
exampls on the net.


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