On Sat, 2002-04-06 at 23:40, brad lafountain wrote:
> --- "Stig S. Bakken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > MI is compile-time, aggregate is runtime.  That's a big enough reason
> > for me.
>  I know the difference but how does this benifit you?
> > 
> > > Class definition is defined at design time not run time!
> > 
> > Aggregate is not really about class definition.  The shortcut in the
> > current implementation modifies the class definition, but in its basic
> > form, aggregation is about forwarding calls, not about changing class
> > definitions.  Thus my suggestion to change aggregate as in my first
> > reply to Kristian.
>  Ok... Can you give me a good example that aggergate would be used over MI.
> That makes sence and isn't garbage code!

Okay, a good example could be a database abstraction layer supporting
ODBC with special handling of each database behind ODBC.

For example, if you use ODBC to talk with MySQL, Oracle or Solid, you
have three ways of dealing with sequences (mysql only has auto_increment
fields, Oracle has real sequences, but for Solid 2.x you need to define
and use a procedure to get sequence values).  If you use iODBC to do all
this, you won't know which one you're talking to until after connecting.

Example set of classes using aggregate to customize at runtime:

DB_Connection          generic connection object
DB_Connection_odbc     layer interfacing to PHP's odbc functions
DB_Connection_oracle   ditto for Oracle
DB_Connection_mysql    ditto for MySQL
DB_SQL_oracle          SQL portability layer for Oracle
DB_SQL_mysql           ditto for MySQL

If the user requests a connection to an Oracle database, the connect
function returns an instance of DB_Connection that has aggregated
DB_Connection_oracle and DB_SQL_oracle.

But if the user requests a connection to Oracle through ODBC, the
connect function returns an instance of DB_Connection that has
aggregated DB_Connection_odbc.  After connecting to the database,
DB_Connection_odbc detects that it is used against Oracle and aggregates

 - Stig

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