[2-part question]

I'd like to make an optional apache directive for the apache2filter
that can define an overriding search path for the php.ini file.
Ideally I'd like to just set this variable in on of the callbacks, but
I'm not sure which one. Is it appropriate to set this in a wrapper
around the php_module_startup callback, or is there a better place
to do this?

The followup question: I noticed that the sapi_module_struct contains
a member called "php_init_path_override" that can store an optional
overide for the php.ini patch. I also noticed that it appears that none
of the sapi modules appear to be properly initializing their struct,
even though this member was added over a year ago:

1.65         (zeev     02-Jan-01):      char *php_ini_path_override;

Methinks this is not a big problem, just a potential for garbage if
the modules is a dynamic shared object and the last few members of that
struct aren't expliclty initialized.


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