sounds very useful, go ahead ;)

would you mind extending it that session_set_userdata(array("thies" =>
"1", "harald" => "2", "knorp" => "100")) would be possible ?


"Thies C. Arntzen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>     hi,
>     i have made a small patch to the session-module which allows
>     the script to inject some user-defined data into the
>     url_rewriter.
>     why do i need this? 
>     - i want to be able to open a 2nd browserwindow 
>     - this window will use the same session as the 1st one
>     - i need to be able to differentiate the two windows on the
>       PHP side
>     right now the session module can "only" store one cookie (or
>     one info in trans-sid) my patch extends that to one
>     user-defined variable so that:
> <?php
> session_start();
> session_set_userdata("thies", "1");
> ?>
> <a href=test.php>test</a>
> <form>
>     <input type=text>
>     <input type=submit>
> </form>
>     will generate:
> <a 
> href="test.php?MOFL=34b91e4e3d0974c3722c1298172dfb08&thies=1">test</a>
> <form><input type="hidden" name="MOFL" 
> value="34b91e4e3d0974c3722c1298172dfb08" /><input type="hidden" 
> name="thies" value="1" />
>         <input type=text>
>         <input type=submit>
> </form>
>     as you can see "thies" = "1" will now be kept on the page.
>     so to open a new window _and_ have a unique identifier for
>     each openend window you would do something like:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?php
> session_start();
> if (! isset($_SESSION[ 'mydata' ])) {
>     $_SESSION[ 'mydata' ] = array();
> }
> if (isset($_REQUEST[ 'newwindow' ])) {
>     $windowid = time();
> } elseif (isset($_REQUEST[ 'windowid' ])) {
>     $windowid = $_REQUEST[ 'windowid' ];
> } else {
>     $windowid = 0;
> }
> session_set_userdata("windowid", (string) $windowid);
> if (! isset($_SESSION[ 'mydata' ][ $windowid ])) {
>     $_SESSION[ 'mydata' ][ $windowid ] = 0;
> }
> echo "clicks in this window ". ++$_SESSION[ 'mydata' ][ $windowid 
> ]."<br>"; ?> <a href="test.php?newwindow=1" target=0>New Window</a>
> testform:
> <form>
>     <input type=text>
>     <input type=submit>
> </form>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>     is it OK to commit? 
>     tc

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