Joseph Tate wrote:
>>Well, you are correct that the size of the executable is irrelevant, but
>>having different instances of PHP means less shared pages when multiple
>>copies are loaded.  There is a definite advantage to having a single httpd
>>binary that is the same for everyone when it comes to runtime memory
> There is a way around this; well the majority chunk of this problem can be
> solved by simply making the largest chunk of php into a library, then you
> have tiny launching executables that live in the various directories, and
> each similar versioned "copy" of php uses the same library (or
> similar on Winbloze (10 blue screens too many last night on 2000 and XP)).
> There will be even more pressure to provide BC, but it will reduce the
> overall memory footprint.  Each executable will have its own heap and stack,
> but the library will be shared, and its memory will be shared.  Someone was
> talking about making php into a shared library, this is just more incentive
> to do so.
> Joseph

Last I looked, php was a shared library, but I could just be getting old ;)

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