I too am in the cold   ;)

I have discovered PEAR, exported from cvs... I've had a look around, and 
some of the functions look interesting.

Unfortunatly I am on a Windows, connecting with a 56K modem.  I have 
already got the latest stable snap from snaps.php but even this doesn't 
include php_pear.dll, i can only assume it is included in the non stable 
release?  I cannot afford to download the latest zip from snaps - so at the 
moment im stuck without any PEAR :(

cold-on-the-outside-warm-on-the-inside Mike

At 15:26 25/05/2002 -0400, fabwash wrote:
>Well since the main php documentation doesn't have any mention of PEAR 
>functions, it seems like going to Siberia to find them. If people don't 
>know they exist, they won't use them, and they will die.
>I discovered PEAR by reading this list and would have never known it 
>existed otherwise..
>cold Fab.

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