[I would do but unfortunateley i ran out of time due to a big project...and
i do not have a machine to do it right now]

Perhaps it would be a good idea to add some documentation in snprintf.h/c
that describes the differences between snprintf/spprintf and in which case
to choose which function


At 11:55 11.06.2002, you wrote:
>On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 11:35:07AM +0200, Marcus Börger wrote :
> > Why not using spprintf which does not require to allocate the buffer before
> > calling the function?
>     Simpy because I wasn't aware of it. Feel free to rewrite it.
>     - Markus
>GnuPG Key: http://guru.josefine.at/~mfischer/C2272BD0.asc

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