> Take a look at http://www.php.net/manual/en/zend.calling-user-functions.php
> I guess that's what you need.

Hmmm. I'm not sure, but I thought this was about calling user-defined 
functions, not existing PHP module functions. Looking at my last email, 
I probably wasn't clear enough :P I don't want to call a passed in 
function name a la a callback; I want to call a core PHP function like 
implode(), or explode() or mysql_connect() (for example) -- 
specifically, I need to call the eval() function. Can you do that in the 
manner defined for calling user functions? Are the functions explode, 
implode, etc. in the user function table? I thought those just contained 
the functions that had been defined by the user in the currently being 
parsed script -- not all functions defined by loaded modules. Am I wrong?

> What is your extension about?

I'm the author/maintainer of a pair of PHP libraries named the NDBE & 
the NObjects (http://ndbe.sourceforge.net); the former is a database
editor/ abstact layer library, and the latter is general 'odds and ends'
library of scripts, some of which the former requires to run.

One such script emulates the Windows registry, providing a persistant, 
filesystem-like hive/key/value system for storing information in various 
formats. The scripts provides an object (NHive) that allows you to 
access this 'registry', which is actually stored on the drive in a 
file-tree (at a location you specify). Furthermore, we expand on the 
idea of the registry to add in the concept of 'ethereal hives'. If 
you're familliar with the Windows registry, picture them as sort of a 
read-only hive (like HKEY_LOCAL_USER) which is only used if the 
requested key/value can't be found in the *actual* hive (of the same 
name). Ethereal hives sort of provide a set of default values; the first 
time you ask for 'HIVE/foobar/foo', and it can't find it in the *real* 
registry, it looks it up in the ethereal hive of the same name ('HIVE' 
in this case). If it finds a key 'foobar' with a value 'foo', it would 
return that value contained in 'foo'. If you write out a new value to 
'HIVE/foobar/foo' it will write it to the REAL registry however; and 
ever after when it ask for that key ('HIVE/foobar/foo') it will give you 
the value from the real registry, which you just created and set. It's a 
little confusing to explain, but solves a wide variety of problems we 
had with default values, and allows you to do wonderful things with 
checking them in. In short, it can -- for the most part -- allow you to 
do away with configuration files.

It works very well, and we (my partners & I) have found it *very* useful 
  over the last couple of years, and most of the NObjects and all of the 
NDBE runs on it. We had the natural idea of making it into a PHP module 
more than a year ago, but none of us could find the time -- I finally 
did a few days ago and was surpised how quickly it's come along.

Of course, all of the logic is more or less written out for me; it's in 
the NHive.php script :) It's just a matter or converting the code to a 
somewhat lower-level language (namely C) and making it properly-cross 
platform. I intend to make the Win32 version use the *actual* Windows 
registry, but that's for later -- haven't ever actually *used* PHP on 
Windows before.

Anyways, that's the (long-winded) explanation. I've got 95% of the 
utility functions written, I just have to do the set/get/create/delete 
functions. After that, I'll be thoroughly testing it (fortunately I have 
a complete library and application in the NDBE to test it on) and then 
be submitting it wherever it should be submitted for consideration -- 
assuming someone's interested. Otherwise, I guess it'll just be posted 
on sourceforge or freshmeat :)

Wood Shavings!
Andrew Patterson

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