At 20:29 21.06.2002, Brian France wrote:
>At 7:23 PM +0200 6/21/02, Marcus Börger wrote:
>>What i wanted to stree out is that exif uses functions from mbstring if 
>>That means if mbstring is not present it does not use these and the user 
>>has to do that stuff for his own.
>>If mbstring is compiled as a shared extension both exif and mbstring will 
>>work together perfectly but exif cannot use mbstring even though it is 
>>present and that might/WILL be confusing to users.
>That make sense, is there a change that can be made in exif to fix this 
>problem?  Looking over the code for exif again I still don't see it 
>calling anything from mbstring and it doesn't call php_treat_data which 
>was what mbstring was overwriting.

It uses c functions php_mb_convert_encoding and php_mb_check_encoding_list. 
If you do not find those in
ext/exif/exif.c you are not using head since this was added right after 
releasing PHP 4.2. In there you'll
find some #ifdef HAVE_MBSTRING lines.

I think if you use PHP 4.2.x for now we will find a solution like Markus 
(with k) mentioned and load the needed
two functions dynamically. Question to Markus: We do not allways have 
dlsym, have we? *nix and cygwin have
dlfcn.h but my Win does not have it. So i guess the correct macros are
# define DL_LOAD(libname)                       LoadLibrary(libname)
# define DL_FETCH_SYMBOL                        GetProcAddress
# define DL_UNLOAD                                      FreeLibrary
That would mean loading the symbols in MINIT, correct?


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