
I really don't want to wake up once again the endless thread about CS !

My point here, is just that I have a problem dealing dynamically with
attributes and methods inside an object.
The problem is that the function 'get_class_vars' returns the attributes in
a case sensitive way, whereas 'get_class_methods' returns all the methods in
lower case !

so you cannot build dynamically the name of the attribute from the name of
the related method !

could this be consistent ?
what is the impact ?

I would prefer both functions to return case sensitive values exactly as
they were declared, so everyone can deal with the result as he wants:
keep CS or turn everything lowercase and then don't deal with CS ...

what's your opinion on this ?



class User {

  var $lastname;
  var $lastName;
  var $firstName;

  function User () {
    echo "ok";

  function getLastName () {
    return $this->lastName;

  function getLastName () {
    return $this->firstName;




this script outputs:

    [lastName] =>
    [firstName] =>
    [0] => user
    [1] => getlastname

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