Marco Glatz wrote:

>hi there, 
>i have an extension with a funtion that should return an array, but my array
>is empty ?.
>------ snip ------
>       zval *tmp_array;
>       MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tmp_array);
>       array_init(tmp_array);
>       array_init(return_value);
>       // a loop to fill the array with some data
>       for(i=0; i < 10; i++) {
>               add_index_string(tmp_array, i, some_data, 1);
>       }

is it missing some code - or did you mean to do

add_index_string(return_value, i, some_data, 1);

>---- /snip   ---------
>hope someone can tell me whats wrong.

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