
 > I could never reproduce this problem, it would help if you could try the
 > stable snapshot from snaps.php.net/win32 to see if it works or not.
 > AFAIK this bug is not a bug actually... but just an error on the user
 > side.

We have at least one application that stops working in 4.2.x because the 
header() function doesn´t work in the same way it used to work in 4.1.x. 
Just upgrading to 4.2.x makes it stop working. I have not changed 
anything in the application code.

I did a workaround for an application that consisted in using the 
function headers_sent() to the test if the headers were already sent to 
the user.  When they were, the application sent the headers through META 
HTTP-EQUIVs. It made it work partially. We still need to be able to set 
the Content-type of the response. I think that, if the application uses 
META HTTP-EQUIV to set the Content-type it will corrupt the files it 
sents to the user.

 > Anyway, I think that patch you posted is not that related at all, and
 > thus I won't merge it. (It's more adding of a feature).

Ok. The description of patch mentioned it solved some problems with 
headers we that were experiencing. It seems a new feature that solved a 
old problem to me.

I will set a debug environment and try to create a case that is fully 



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