On Sat, 10 Aug 2002, Marcus Börger wrote:

> +    This can be done automaticall with the use of php_error_docref. Where the
> +    docref parameter is either NULL or a manual reference describing the
> +    error in detail. This must be an external url started by "http://"; or
> +    the name of a manual page without the  file extension but with an optional
> +    target anchor. In case of NULL the reference is generated from the
> +    function being executed:
> +
> +    php_error_docref("function.name#error" TSRMLS_CC, E_WHATEVER, "Desc.");
> +
> +    You may use php_error_docref1/2 to display the executed functionname
> +    followed by one or two important parameters. For example file base
> +    functions should display the name of the file opened:
> +
> +    php_error_docref1("function.fopen", filename TSRMLS_CC, E_WHATEVER, 
> "Desc.");
> +    php_error_docref2("function.copy", file_source, file_dest, param2 

Marcus --

Looks good. Here is a suggested revision. I think it makes things a
little clearer to people who aren't familiar with the error handling

This can be done automatically using php_error_docref(). The first
parameter, docref, is either NULL or URL of a page in the PHP manual
describing the error in detail.

If you pass NULL, the reference is generated from the name of the
function being executed:

php_error_docref("function.name#error" TSRMLS_CC, E_WHATEVER, "Desc.");

If you pass a URL, it can either be a full URL beginning with

                  TSRMLS_CC, E_WHATEVER, "Desc.");

Or the name of a manual page without the file extension, but with an
optional target anchor:

php_error_docref("function.name#error" TSRMLS_CC, E_WHATEVER, "Desc.");

To display the one or two important parameters after the function
name, use php_error_docref1() or php_error_docref2(). For example,
file functions should display the name of the file opened:

php_error_docref1("function.fopen", filename
                   TSRMLS_CC, EWHATEVER, "Desc.");

php_error_docref2("function.fopen", file_source, file_destination 
                   TSRMLS_CC, EWHATEVER, "Desc.");


adam maccabee trachtenberg

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