Questions like this should be posted to php.general, not -- 
is for developing PHP itself; php.general is for developing WITH PHP.

That aside, attached is a simple example of setting up a multiplexer with 
socket_select(). The example creates a [very] small chat server -- just
start up the server and try connecting with telnet to localhost on port 
10000 with a couple of terminals. You should be able to send messages from 
terminal to terminal.

Note that the example doesn't do a lot of error checking, and is pretty 
hacked together and not too pretty. But it's a decent example.


Gustavo Almeida wrote:

> Dear php-dev,
>      Hi, I'm here again with another doubt. Now, I know that I have to
>      use  socket_select() before the socket_accept(), but what I can't
>      understand  is  how to "store" or handle many clients yet, my app
>      has  a  lot  of  socket_write()  and socket_read() functions, and
>      intaction  with  DB  (Postgres),  I  guess am I a little confuse,
>      anybody help?


define("MAX_CLIENTS", 10);

// the $listener socket doesn't actually serve 
// clients, it only listens for connections and
// hands them off to the $client array below.

$listener = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
socket_setopt($listener, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
socket_bind($listener, "", 10000);

// $client will hold our clients while they're connected...

$client = array();

while (1)
    // these next lines set up our clients and our
    // listener socket for reading...

    $read[0] = $listener;
    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_CLIENTS; $i++)
        if ($client[$i] != null)
            $read[$i + 1] = $client[$i];

    // now a blocking call to socket_select(). This will
    // wait forever until a connection is received.

    $nready = socket_select($read, $null, $null, null);

    // if a new connection is being made, accept it and
    // put it into the client array...

    if (in_array($listener, $read))
        for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_CLIENTS; $i++)
            if ($client[$i] == null)
                $client[$i] = socket_accept($listener);
            else if ($i == MAX_CLIENTS - 1)
                trigger_error("too many clients", E_USER_ERROR);

        if (--$nready <= 0)

    // if we have clients that are trying to write
    // to the server, handle them now...

    for ($i = 0; $i < MAX_CLIENTS; $i++)
        if (in_array($client[$i], $read))
            $n = trim(socket_read($client[$i], 1024));
            socket_getpeername($client[$i], $host, $port);

            if ($n)
                for ($j = 0; $j < MAX_CLIENTS; $j++)
                    if ($client[$j])
                        socket_write($client[$j], "From $host:$port: $n\n\r");
                for ($j = 0; $j < MAX_CLIENTS; $j++)
                    if ($client[$j])
                        socket_write($client[$j], "Disconnecting $host:$port\n\r");


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