Richard Thomas wrote:
> xdebug looks nice but this is something so basic that having it as a
> base part of php would aid in development for everyone, including low
> level/newbie programmers. Not to mention that the instructions provided
> on there page are not possible for a very large portion of the php
> programmers out there, Ones without there own machine who do not have
> access to php.ini.
> Granted the module can possibly be loaded within the script however this
> level of troubleshooting should be a part of php.

I agree.
And I take a look at how Andi implemented
debug_backtrace() in ZE2.

It can be ported to ZE1, but he changed basic data
struture in engine and I thoguth it does not worth
the effort.
(QA, debug, etc don't worth the benefits)

Just wait ZE2 or use xdebug/apd/dbg or whatever
tools you like.

Yasuo Ohgaki

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