Johan Jordaan wrote:

>  I'm new to this list, so hi to everybody out there :)
>  I think this msg would be reaching the intended audience, but if I'm
>wrong let me know :)
It's probably not a bad audience :)

>  I've been playing around with flex/bison a little the last couple of
>days. I've got this stupid idea to modify flex/bison to emit a
>compiler/parser as native PHP as opposed to C code. Does anybody know if
>this has been attempted or of there is any value in it except the fact
>that it would be Kewl :)
the tokenizer will emit the elements of php code (in a similar way to 

bcompiler ( has a callback feature that can show you all 
the opcodes in php - I did it to play about with writing a PHP->C 
converter, (not that simple)..

somewhere between the two, you may find what you are looking for.


>  Thanks
>Johan Jordaan

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