On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Markus Fischer wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 04:42:38PM -0400, Al Baker wrote :
> > I want to use the dom-xml extension in a production environment, is the
> > dom-xml memory leak significant, ie will the whole machine run out of
> > available memory or ?
>     You mean this built in feature that domxml leaks a few bytes
>     every hour?
>     Err, really, what are you talking about? Do you have a bug
>     report ID or something concrete you're talking about but
>     missed to mentioned ? ;)

Al talks presumably about the mentioning of a leak in the PHP Weekly
Newsletter, which I reported last week on php-dev. It's not really serious
in my opinion, a few bytes per request. But I had no time to investigate
further. Maybe I shouldn't publicly announce such stuff in the future, it
only scares the hell out of people :)

Al, if you really concerned about it, set MaxRequestsPerChild in
httpd.conf (if you're using apache) to something reasonabe and you
won't even notice anything.


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