
At 19:28 7-9-2002, Tony Leake wrote:

>I have started to write an audio api for PHP.
>I have written a wrapper to ecasound which is a very powerful
>audio processing library that runs on Linux and I believe several
>other *NIX's. At the simple end it will play audio files in most
>audio formats (wav, mp3, ogg-vorbis, AIFF etc) and convert files
>between any supported formats.

For the 'web-side' of things - could these conversion function be used,
to convert files on the webserver? Or even something like:
song.wav -> convert_to_mp3 -> stream_on_socket
song.mp3 -> convert_to_windows_media -> stream_on_socket

And can it read mp3 or whatever 'about' information is stored in the
audio file?

Met vriendelijke groeten / With kind regards,

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Melvyn Sopacua

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