>     I must have missed some discussion where it was decided to change
>     this..? Can't seem to find any in the archives either.

There wasn't.

>     And why is there even need to change it? It has worked fine (for ANY
>     browser) for very long time now.

I was simply trying to reduce the amount of HTML that phpinfo()
generated, and moving to a CSS formatting model acheived that while
still maintaining "compatability" for current browsers.

My question back would be how many people here *really* care what the
output looks like?  Is anyone making that info available in a production
 site?  I doubt it.  I'm guessing this page is almost exclusively used
for debugging purposes by site developers, or other diagnostic reasons
... in which case as long as the info is there and legible, I don't see
the issue.

However, if there are, then you can easily replace the stylesheet with
your own style to "skin" the page ... something that would've been much
more difficult with the old version.  The HTML itself in the current
page is as plain as it gets, pretty much.

If we want a truly cross-browser phpinfo() page, it should be text-only
or plain, unformatted, uncoloured tables.

- Colin

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