Lukas Smith wrote:

> The point is that PEAR needs to be ready on all levels (technical and
> community) before it should go public. If PEAR will go public with php
> 4.3 then it needs to be complete in that respect. The damage to PEAR if
> this is not the case will be great and will take a long time to fix (if

PEAR is already in the wild, daily questions on newsgroups and mailing 
lists show it, the download rates of packages from pearweb too.

It going on my nerves to answer such question like "Why isn't the 
package browser directly avaible?"

Also take a look on Google for Postings and Websites linking to
""; - a lot of them are not 
written by PEAR-Devs.

With waiting for a 'perfect' PEAR, we could lost a lot of existing early 
adopters as multipliers, because they loosing credibility for announcing 

And the number of popular PEAR users grows daily, believe it or not: 
even "Mr. PHPLib" Kristian Koehntopp recommened PEAR in a posting in 
de.comp.lang.php recently. (unfortunatly not avaible through google)

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