Zitat von Matt Haught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I am trying to use pear's Mail functions to send email to my local smtp
> server (FreeBSD 4.4 using qmail-smtpd), but it sort of gets hung up when
> communicating with the smtp server.  (I also tried a 2nd smtp server with
> the same hang).  It can take many minutes (way over the script's time out
> strangely) of the script just setting there going very slowly before I
> guess
> it finally times out (no errors are given).  Using recordio on the smtp
> server shows what seems to be a very long time for php to respond to the
> output of the server.  The communication that usually takes under a
> second,
> is taking multiple minutes.  I was using an Oct 1st checkout, which
> failed
> so I backed it out a few times (3:00AM EST each day) with fresh copies to
> try to find where the problem was introduced:

I'm seeing this too, and it has nothing to do with Mail_SMTP, not even with
Net_Socket in which case this would be the wrong list anyway.

I _think_ it happened after one of Wez' stream commits, but as I don't
rebuild php daily I can't tell for sure. I guess your detailed list when it
worked and when it failed might help to trap this down to one of the stream
commits (hopefully).


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