The config option just makes it easier to find, especially when you delete 
aspell from the tree.

You would basically try to accomplish, that:
./configure --help | grep aspell

yields something and possibly hint to pspell.

How that is done is insignificant. But adding --with-gnu-aspell would allow 
to move it to that name
at some point in time, since GNU packages generally don't change names :-)

my 2.20173 eurocents :)

At 10:20 10/7/2002 -0700, Vlad Krupin wrote:

>The new and improved GNU aspell happpens to be almost 100% 
>source-compatible with pspell, in fact, no changes to php source are 
>necessary to use it. I am against creating a yet-another config option. 
>We've got a few of those already.
>I have no problem with nuking aspell and placing a dummy entry in the docs 
>(akin to telling people to use pspell, because, as far 
>as PHP is concerned, it's the same thing, if that's ok with everyone else. 
>But I don't see a good reason for an alias where you don't need one.
>just my 2 kopecks :)
>Melvyn Sopacua wrote:
>>Agreed, but there's one problem:
>>The pspell as you know and love it, is now named "GNU Aspell 0.52".
>>The pspell extension must be used, to build with GNU Aspell - the API has 
>>kept as an 'alias' for this purpose.
>>So I vote for:
>>--with-aspell -> /dev/null
>>--with-gnu-aspell -> AC_ARG_WITH alias for --with-pspell - nothing more.
>>No seperate directory, nor renaming or aliasing of functions.
>>At 13:51 10/7/2002 +0200, DJ Anubis wrote:
>>>Le Lundi 7 Octobre 2002 13:39, Jan Lehnardt a écrit :
>>> > Hey there hard working folks,
>>> > aspell was replaced by pspell looooong ago, hence I like to remove aspell
>>> > from the main source tree to either PECL or /dev/null. Any objections?
>>> >
>>> > Comments are highly welcome.
>>>You're right. aspell is a survival of an antiquated tradition. pspell is 
>>>better. So /dev/null sounds a great place for antiques ;-)
>>>DJ Anubis
>>>PHP Development Mailing List <>
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>>Met vriendelijke groeten / With kind regards,
>>Melvyn Sopacua
>><@Logan> I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident.
>><@Logan> I was thinking "What the hell is this guy doing?"
>Vlad Krupin
>Software Engineer



void wakeup() {
         for(unsigned int cuppajava;drink();cuppajava++);

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