There are 3 streams related problems I've come across today while using CVS 
code. First it seems that sending of binary data in excess of 8k causes some 
of the data not to be sent. This can be easily replicated with the following 
test code:
$test_binary_file = file_get_contents("file_name");
$length = strlen($test_binary_file);

$fs = fsockopen("host", "port");
$written = fwrite($fs, $test_binary_file)

According to fwrite() output all the data has been written, since $length 
equals to $written. However, using a network monitoring tool, Ethereal I was 
able to see that only about 8k worth of data was sent. This was confirmed by 
another script that set on the receiving end.

Another problem I've come across is about reading from sockets that do no 
terminate connection. Using the following script I've connected to a 
webserver, in php 4.2.3 the script returns immediately after the last byte 
has been read. In CVS the script wait about 10 seconds after all the data has 
been read before finally terminating (timing out?). The example script is 
$fp = fsockopen("host", 80);
fwrite($fp, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: host\r\n\r\n");
while ( ($data = fgets($fp, 1024)) ) {
echo $data;

The third problem is coredump that is fairly easily replicate with the script 
$fp = fsockopen("localhost", 80);
fputs($fp, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
fgets($fp, 1000000000);


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