At 06:24 PM 10/30/2002 +0100, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
Andi Gutmans wrote:
> Right, and if you try it with 1.28 it'll work.

  Is this is a bug in bison (and if so, do the bison developers know
  about it?), or a (temporary) issue with Zend Engine 2?
I think (not sure) it's a bug in bison. I haven't discussed it with any bison developers yet because I fear the bug report would be a bit too general. I have a short example script in PHP but I doubt they'll download and compile PHP once with bison 1.28 and once with 1.31. Cutting this down to a short bison parser would takes days IMO.
This issue has been verified with Engine 2 but if it's a bug in bison it might effect Engine 1 too in possibly other places.

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