So you're planning on converting POSIX regexen to PCRE so people don't
need to worry about PCRE metacharacters that are POSIX literals? Seems
tricky. (e.g. is "\w" a backslash and a w or a "word" character? what
about search patterns of 10 instead of "10" they have different
meanings in egrep(), you'll need to convert this, too.)


On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Ilia A. wrote:

> Currently PHP ships with two regular expression libraries that are both 
> installed by default, PCRE & regex. The regex library that is responsible for 
> ereg_* functions is fairly old and offers a very limited functionality 
> compared to the PCRE library. In most cases the PCRE functions are also much 
> faster then the old ereg functions.
> I would like to propose that we drop the old ereg library and use only
> a single regular expression library, PCRE. For BC purposes I've written a 
> patch (see attached file), which emulates the old ereg_* functions for people 
> who still rely on those, using PCRE.
> This cleanup would mean we'd only need to maintain one set of regular 
> expression code, which as far as code goes is pretty complex as well as give 
> speed-up for people still using ereg. 
> Perhaps, at some future point this would allow us to drop the ereg_* functions 
> all together.
> Ilia

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