        I'm having difficulty compiling the PHP source code on Win2K with VC++ 6.0.
I've followed the instructions on the website, but I keep getting errors
compiling the ZendTS project.  It appears that bison is not actually
generating the zend_language_parser.{h,c} at all.  However, from the Cygwin
command line, it appears to work fine:

$ bison --output=zend_language_parser.c -v -d -p zend zend_language_parser.y

$ ls -lart | tail -4
drwxr-xr-x    6 Administ None        36864 Nov  6 09:57 .
-rw-rw-rw-    1 Administ None         6090 Nov  6 10:00
drwxr-xr-x    2 Administ None        16384 Nov  6 10:00 Debug_TS
-rw-rw-rw-    1 Administ None       688770 Nov  6 10:02


So bison command executes without error, but it fails to generate the
appropriate .c and .h files.  I am using bison v 1.75 (the latest from

Has anyone seen an error like this?


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