John Coggeshall wrote:

Shane (and everyone else):

>Why don't we move PHP into a separate executable. Design a
>"thin" ISAPI DLL which purely passes the data which the ISAPI
>DLL exposes between the IIS process and the PHP process (or
>process-pool for added reliability). The resulting page is
>processed in the application server and returned to the ISAPI
>DLL where it is output.

Shane and I have already been looking into a similar solution for the
UNIX version of PHP. In fact, if you ask'd him I think he's already got
something working in this respect using FastCGI.
This is exactly what fastcgi does.

Incidently, Shane weren't you involved in the Windows port of PHP? :)
Yes, I am to blame.

>I think this solution will be *way* easier than trying to fix
>every single bug in PHP so that it is utterly thread-safe and

That's the idea. Part of the issue is that the external libraries PHP
uses can't be promised to be thread-safe.

An thus why I did the isapi fastcgi plugin.


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