At 16:34 03.12.2002, Adam Voigt wrote:
I have some data that can't contain certain character's, so I have
something akin to the following:

function getProper($string)
$string = strip_tags($string);
$string = str_replace("][","][",$string);
$string = str_replace("'","'",$string);
$string = str_replace("\"",""",$string);


Now, I have page which submit's to page2.php, on page2.php I have a
foreach loop on the $_POST array, for each iteration it prints the hidden
input in HTML, but before that it passes each value through the above function.
Now, when I view source everything is as expected, I see "'" instead of
a single quote and everything, when I hit submit, and am now on page3.php,
I do: print_r($_POST) and all the values have been re-interpreted into there
original values (so instead of &#39, I see a single quote (in view-source to)) and
my DB queriy is failing because of this, I can get around this by moving my replace
step to the page with the DB query, but I was wondering is this a bug or expected
behavior? Maybe it's just me, but if PHP is doing this, I wouldn't think it should be
interpreting the values you pass back and forth at all, just pass them.


Your browser interprets the page2.php and replaces the entities &#<nn>; with their
charaters. So what page3.php receives are the plain characters and not the entities.

Anyway this is for [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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