On Sun, 8 Dec 2002, Mike Robinson wrote:
> Every system on the planet that uses php.exe as their CGI executable,
> and I suggest there are quite a few, will have a broken setup with a
> stock install of php-4.3.0, because typing php-cli.exe at the command
> line is too long. And you expect putting huge notes and warnings in the
> news file and installer will prevent this from happening.

Any sysadmin upgrading to a new release should read the release notes,
or be fired. (It's quite simple)

There are a number of things to review before upgrading to PHP 4.3.
One of the big things to note is that the CGI version of PHP has not
been functioning correctly for some time now (see Shane's recent
thread), and that 4.3 will finally correct this issue.

> > The reason against renaming CGI and using its old name for
> > the CLI now would have lead us to register_globals=ON for eternity.
> Totally different. Apples and oranges.
> That was a security-related change, and IMHO, the amount of trouble
> _that_ change caused far outweighed the meagre benefits achieved.

It's called progress.  We try to retain BC as much as possible and as
much as makes sense, but sometimes we have to make some progress.
That's what we are doing here.

In case you haven't noticed, a lot of work is being done to elevate PHP
beyond the status of a web-only language; this is a positive step in
that direction.

> This change is going to break a lot of setups for the sake of cli users
> saving a few keystrokes.

CGI was broken anyhow - this is going to *fix* a lot of setups,
regardless of "saving a few keystrokes".

> Sorry. There's just no way this should happen.

But it has happened, and it's going stay this way.

Now, if you don't have anything positive to contribute, please stop
stirring up threads like this (again) without first understanding the
issues behind them.  It just wastes time, which is better spent
developing, bug fixing, documenting - doing just about anything else is
more productive.


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