--- Sascha Schumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Andrei Zmievski wrote:
> > With the new build system, is there a way to clean/build just one
> > extension, as opposed to having to do it to the whole tree? Something
> > like "make clean ext=wddx", perhaps?
>     We could add a target clean-ext-EXTNAME..

This is akin to my questions yesterday, as obfuscated as they may have been. 
To my understanding, this is what phpize is for? ie, given a PHP source tree,
you can build the framework in any directory for a personal extension.

But in general, what's the excepted way to distribute compiled extensions,
if, for example, I wanted to release a .so that would work with 4.2.x and
newer (and assuming only Apache at this point)?  Would I need to release
specific versions; if so, how many permutations would I need to consider, and
what variables would I need to accomodate?  Initially, I see that
Apache/Apache2->MPM is a big one.

Hans Zaunere
New York PHP

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