> There is no difference here, both are strings anyway. And the latest
> option "AUTH_EXPOSE_USER | AUTH_EXPOSE_PW" wont work in an httpd.conf
> file. Also, this is NOT the style we have in php.ini. I don't see any
> valid point to use this thing.


you may have a point about it not being as friendly to httpd.conf, but if
you look at php.ini-dist, you'll see:

; If you use constants in your value, and these constants belong to a
; dynamically loaded extension (either a PHP extension or a Zend extension),
; you may only use these constants *after* the line that loads the

Which implies constants ARE available inside php.ini.  (Yes, I know they
aren't in httpd.conf or .htaccess).

You'll also see this:

; error_reporting is a bit-field.  Or each number up to get desired error
; reporting level
; Examples:
;   - Show all errors, except for notices
;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

Which is the style I was talking about.

The patch in question is using two flags, which suggests the a bitfield.

It's true there's at least one ini setting that uses a string of
comma-separated values (mbstring's encoding settings), but are there other
examples of setting a couple of on/off values in a string like this?  I
guess variables_order is kind of like this.

Maybe it would be better to have two flag directives instead of one value

Anyway, it probably doesn't matter.


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