Some advice would be appreciated:

I need much better support for statistical analysis (central tendency, variance, kurtosis etc.) and financial formulae (NPV etc.) in my PHP applications. I have been using some calculation classes implemented in PHP, but I am at a point where I need the speed of C. I started writing an extension using the stat functions from GSL, but I see that the GNU license is not compatible with the PHP license, plus I am only using a tiny portion of that library.

I am now thinking perhaps the best way to go is to implement the C library of statistical recipes that I need in a library that would be compatible with the PHP license. Anyone know of an existing lib that is already available? Ideally this library should have an object oriented interface that would make it very intuitive for PHP developers to use.

It seems as though all extensions in ext/ are going to be moved under PECL so I am guessing that is where I should be targeting this library for release. Is that a good assumption to make?

Thanks for your help.

Nyk Cowham

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