oooh yes, good point:

stream_filter_append($fp, "string.base64", "encode");
stream_filter_append($fp, "string.base64", "decode");

probably with "encode" being the default behavior.  That make
implementation very simple and in fact the toupper/tolower calls should be
similarly combined into a single filter class ( ?).

What is the "preferred" way of passing multiple parameters?  I know each
filter could handle it differently, but consistency is also a very nice
thing.  Coma separated perhaps?  Changing the behavior of stream_append to
use an array instead of a string? (might be going a bit far, but would
give maximum flexibility)

> With the current model, the concept is that you can use either the
> filter name or filter parameters to distinguish the ultimate behaviour.
> Yes this is a possible headache.
> I am thinking that two separate chains of filters (one for reading and
> one for writing) might make this situation a little easier;
> this way you could have a filtered read stream but leave writing
> unfiltered etc.

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