
  Nicos assigned this bug to you a month ago, but since I've seen no
activity (and it's entirely possible you didn't know he'd assigned it) I
went ahead and took a crack at it.  Would you care to give me the go
ahead to commit/close for you?  ...or tell me to mind my own bugs? :)

Patches against PHP_4_3 and HEAD can be found at:


The idea being to automagically determine the scale of the input numbers
so that they are not truncated prior to the op.  Then, once the op has
been performed, reduce the scale to whatever was requested.

The "result->n_scale = scale;" line might look a little dangerous, but
since it only comes after lines which create 'result' with a scale of *at
minimum* 'scale' it means that 'result->n_scale' will always be >= 'scale'
and hence assigning it to 'scale' will always result in a reduction (or no
change at all) and bc_num2str won't go looking in undefined sections of
the bc_num val.


P.S. - This one's for you sniper ;)

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