I've changed some tests to reduce failed test count on Windows to 7 (latest
php4-win32 snap):

Bug #21131: fopen($filename, "a+") has broken position
Various pow() tests [D:\work\php4\ext\standard\tests\math\pow.phpt]
unserialize() floats with E notation (#18654)
strtotime() function [D:\work\php4\ext\standard\tests\time\002-win32.phpt]
Check for mktime with out-of-range parameters
Testing register_shutdown_function() with timeout. (Bug: #21513)
Bug #21600 (assign by reference function call changes variable contents)

In the attachched phpt.zip are some files named *.phpt (new tests) and
*.diff (diff -u), directory structure is same as cvs. Please take a look at
the files and commit (I've no dev karma).

Regards, Kai

Attachment: phpt.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

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