I would be very interested.  And not just for PHP, tho I
would like to see a PHP function for it.
We have several apps that are currently obtaining the GMT offset
the old-fashion way.

1.  Set the TZ=GMT, perform a mktime call.
2.  Set TZ to local timezone, perform the same mktime call.
3.  Subtract the 2 timestamps.
4.  Reset TZ back to its standard value.

If you properly set the dst param, the result will be the
time difference between the two timezones for whatever
date/time you want.

As ugly as this seems (and I do agree its ugly), it actually
works very well, stable, and performs pretty fast.  Our apps
perform this sequence tens of thousands times per day at least.
I always felt if I "had the time" I'd try and re-write it
to do something along the same you describe, but never got


David Gillies wrote:

In a similar itch-scratching moment I whipped up a
trivial PHP module that groks tzfile timezone files to
give you the offset from GMT at any time in the Unix
epoch. I needed this to preflight a bunch of data
which had been gathered with a lot of disparate time
zones into a single UTC version, but I thought it
might merit further dissemination.

Anyone interested?

Best Wishes

David Gillies
San Jose
Costa Rica

sunrise() - sunset() functions

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