On Fri, 7 Feb 2003, Uwe Schindler wrote:

> I got a CVS account for maintenace of the NSAPI SAPI module.
> If I try to commit a change, I get the following error:
> CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/repository
> **** Access denied: insufficient karma (thetaphi|php4/sapi/nsapi)
>       Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for access to php4/sapi/nsapi
> cvs server: Pre-commit check failed
> cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!

    I've granted the necessary access.  Please try again.

> Additionally I have a question about the organization of the repository:
> There are more "Modules" you can Checkout (PHP4, PHP5, PHP4-only) but it
> seems that all files are identical and the cvs-program displays always
> php4/ as root directory. What is the difference of this modules?

    There are multiple active branches in the php4 module right
    now.  The important ones are:

        HEAD:    Leads to PHP 5 (main development line)

                 $ cvs co php5

        PHP_4_3: Maintenance branch (bug fixes only)

                 $ cvs co -r PHP_4_3 php4

        PHP_4:   Development specific to PHP 4 (anything)

                 $ cvs co -r PHP_4 php4

    The module name you pass to "cvs checkout" gets expanded.
    It's really just about convenience.  This stems from the
    historical diverse set of modules which are required for
    building PHP.  php4-only will not download the engine/TSRM.

    You can see the current mappings here:


    - Sascha

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