Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
So, I am just starting out down the path to figure out why PHP 4.3 has
gotten so much slower than 4.2.  "strace -c" provides the first clue.  A
straight "./configure --enable-inline-optimization && make" command-line
build for 4.2, 4.3 and 5.0 run on a simple hello world script reveals that
we have gone from 219 system calls in 4.2 to 233 in 4.3 to 236 in 5.0.
This is a bad trend and we really need to make an effort to reverse this.

4.2 Hello World from command-line:

CGI, right? Part of this may be from the path_info handling I've added. There is a stat call in there to determine if the path provided by the webserver includes path_info also, if it does have path_info (stat failed), it walks up the path doing a stat to determine the script filename and path_info correctly. the ini setting cgi.fix_pathinfo turns this on or off. It also uses a handfull putenv and getenv calls in straightening things out. I'm sure this adds some of that, but I don't think it would add as much an increase as you are seeing, unless you're using some long path_info paths.


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