On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Sascha Schumann wrote:

>>     So for 4.3.2, we add the OnUpdateLong() and replace
>>     all the calls to OnUpdateInt() to use that instead
>>     and we leave the OnUpdateInt() behaviour same as it was.
>>     This shouldn't cause BC problems then..?
>    Yes.

    Ok, I'll prepare a patch for that.

>>     And in 5.0.0 we change OnUpdateInt() to use ints.
>    No, unless you are into procuring stealth errors which go
>    undetected for months.
>    It would be better drop that interface completely.  Although
>    then extension maintainers whose code needs to work with
>    several PHP releases will have to resort to preprocessor
>    magic once again.

    Don't they have to do that anyway..? :)


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