> > What browser denies you from setting this accept-language thing?
> > You do have control over it, and it is far more general then
> > having a cookie in the browser. Which is also not that flexible,
> > as we would probably only store one language code.
> Gabor, the problem is that you can't override it.  If you are unlucky
> enough to be speaking a language for which the PHP documentation is
> crappy, but you still want to set your accept-language to that language
> for use on other sites, then you are out of luck on php.net.

All right then, I'll add a cookie based setting, which can override
the accept-language setting... I have no problem with a cookie,
but thought that it is a good automation for language selection. :(

Once I have proposed a cookie based language setting (as part of my
my.php.net proposal), it was said that I should keep it simple, and
use the accept-language... Now it seems this assumption was quite

Why the translations suck is another question. I think there is too
much to learn to get in (XML, the whole translation system, make test,
etc). :(( So the situation won't get better soon...


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