Jani Taskinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    I still don't think we should be linking with libocijdbc8 in any case.
>    Can you ask some Oracle support why their libs differ with same version 
>    but in different OSes??

I can try to do so [1], although I don't see what that will buy us.

>From "Oracle9i Administrator's Reference"
chapter 4, "Using Oracle Precompilers and the Oracle Call Interface":

| Custom Make Files
| Oracle Corporation recommends that you use the provided demo_product.mk
| make files to create user programs as described in the specific product
| sections of this chapter.
| [...]
| If you choose to use a make utility such as nmake or GNU make, be aware
| of how macro and suffix processing differs from the make utility
| provided with the platform. Oracle make files are tested and are
| supported with the make utility for your platform.

The "demo_product.mk" is in reality called demo_rdbms.mk - and of course
it's virtually undocumented.

| Oracle library names and the contents of Oracle libraries are subject to
| change between releases. Always use the demo_product.mk make file that
| ships with the current release as a guide to determine the required
| libraries.

Then they go on to explain their "symfind" utility, which is a shell
script around "find", "grep" and "nm" - with platform-specific output [2].

| Correcting Undefined Symbols (Solaris Only)
| Oracle provides the symfind utility to assist you in locating a library
| or object file where a symbol is defined. When linking a program,
| undefined symbols are a common error that produce an error message
| similar to the following:
IMHO this is totally unacceptable. If they can't provide a well-defined
set of interface libraries, they should at least offer some kind of
"oci-config" or a few text files with -lsomelib -lanotherlib lines.

But no matter how hard we wish they had some such thing, they don't have
it at the moment - and even if they would suddenly start to clean up
that whole mess, it would probably take a long time until their patches
would be installed everywhere.

I still think that the best solution would be to check if linking with
-lcntsh alone is enough to get OCILobIsTemporary, and if not, check if
it works with -locijdbc8.


[1]: My question in the "Oracle Technology Network" forum has not been
answered for two weeks now, ditto in comp.databases.oracle.misc.

[2]: Symfind (or nm) finds the OCILobIsTemporary definition (T) not only
in libocijdbc8.so, but also in libclntsh.so and a few other libs:

OCILobIsTemporary                | 0000000000000000 | U | 0000000000000008
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ./lib/libsql8.a
OCILobIsTemporary                | 0004396969863776 | T | 0000000000000008
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ./lib/libnjni8.so
OCILobIsTemporary                | 0000000000005408 | T | 0000000000000008
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ./lib/libclient8.a
OCILobIsTemporary                | 0000000000005408 | T | 0000000000000008
OCILobIsTemporary                | 0000000000000000 | U | 0000000000000008
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ./lib/libclntst8.a
OCILobIsTemporary                | 0004396969227952 | T | 0000000000000008
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ./lib/libocijdbc8.so
OCILobIsTemporary                | 0004396962545744 | T | 0000000000000008
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ./lib/libocijdbc8_g.so
OCILobIsTemporary                | 0000000000000000 | U | 0000000000000008
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ./lib/libsqlplus.a
OCILobIsTemporary                | 0000000000000000 | U | 0000000000000008
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ./lib/libordim8.a
OCILobIsTemporary                | 0004396966909952 | T | 0000000000000008
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ./lib/libclntsh.so

This is on the Compaq/HP test drive with Tru64 5.1 and Oracle 8.1.7.

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