php-general Digest 19 Aug 2007 11:43:44 -0000 Issue 4970

Topics (messages 261005 through 261013):

getting from one table listing from another
        261005 by: Nate
        261006 by: Stephen Johnson
        261007 by: Jay Blanchard

Delete row in a lookup table
        261008 by: nitrox .
        261010 by: Larry Garfield

Re: Cookies and sent headers
        261009 by: Kelvin Park
        261011 by: Otto Wyss

Redirection with header (was Re: [PHP] Cookies and sent headers)
        261012 by: Otto Wyss

        261013 by: Gevorg Harutyunyan


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--- Begin Message ---
I know this is kinda crazy but I need it :P
I have one table that lists name's
and I have another table that has the name's and points
I want to know how to list the name's of the first table by the points
of the second table

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You might try sending this to a group that is more orientated towards data
basing.. Since that seems to be what your asking about...

On 8/18/07 3:53 PM, "Nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know this is kinda crazy but I need it :P
> I have one table that lists name's
> and I have another table that has the name's and points
> I want to know how to list the name's of the first table by the points
> of the second table

Stephen Johnson
The Lone Coder
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*Continuing the struggle against bad code*

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I know this is kinda crazy but I need it :P
I have one table that lists name's
and I have another table that has the name's and points
I want to know how to list the name's of the first table by the points
of the second table

Not crazy, pretty standard from a database point of view;

SELECT, b.points 
FROM table a LEFT OUTER JOIN table b
ON( =

This only works if the name in table a matches a name in table b.

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Hi all,
Is it not considered good practice to have a primary key on a lookup table for 
a database?
I have 3 tables setup, games, memberleagues and members. The memberleagues 
table holds the id of the games table and members table. The problem I have is 
that Im not sure how to delete a row from the memberleagues table without a 
primary key. If its not considered bad practice I could add a primary key to 
the memberleagues table and be done. Anybody have any tutorials on how to write 
the php for this?
Messenger Café — open for fun 24/7. Hot games, cool activities served daily. 
Visit now.

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Whether or not it's good practice depends on who you ask. :-)  

Every table should have a primary key.  Primary keys, however, may span 
multiple columns.  That's perfectly legal.  In some cases that primary key 
may span every column, but generally that's a sign of bad design unless 
you're talking about a table that just relates one table to another (many to 
many relation).

The question is whether it's better to have a surrogate key[1].  That is, a 
unique integer value that has no meaning itself beyond being a unique key.  
For example, in pretty much any authentication system the username will be 
unique, and therefore could easily be used as the primary key.  Other tables, 
then, would reference back to the user table using the username as the 
foreign key.  

There's pros and cons to surrogate keys over "natural" keys.  See more links 
below that I don't feel like repeating[2].  

Personaly I tend toward surrogate keys in most cases for entities, but not for 
relationships.  In your case, then, no, I would not have a surrogate key on 
the membersleagues table.  Instead I'd define (game_id, member_id) as the 
primary key.  You can absolutely then DELETE from membersleagues WHERE 
game_id=4 AND member_id=3.  Or just delete by one or the other.  You don't 
have to have a primary key defined in order to be able to DELETE, it's just 
frequently simpler if you do.  You can write a WHERE clause on anything.

In practice, I generally find it easier to do a delete/rebuild than to try and 
track an extra surrogate key.  That is, I'd do something like:

$db->query("DELETE FROM foo WHERE thing_id=5");
foreach ($foo->things as $thing_id) {
  $db->query("INSERT INTO foo (foo_id, thing_id) VALUES (5, $thing_id)");

(Actually I wouldn't do that.  I'd use prepared statements because just 
inserting the variable into the string like that is a security risk.  Don't 
do it.  It's just easier to explain without the prepared statement for now.)

That should be fine unless $foo->things is rather large or is very frequently 
edited (for some defintions of large and frequent).




On Saturday 18 August 2007, nitrox . wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is it not considered good practice to have a primary key on a lookup table
> for a database? I have 3 tables setup, games, memberleagues and members.
> The memberleagues table holds the id of the games table and members table.
> The problem I have is that Im not sure how to delete a row from the
> memberleagues table without a primary key. If its not considered bad
> practice I could add a primary key to the memberleagues table and be done.
> Anybody have any tutorials on how to write the php for this?
> _________________________________________________________________
> Messenger Café — open for fun 24/7. Hot games, cool activities served
> daily. Visit now.

Larry Garfield                  AIM: LOLG42
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               ICQ: 6817012

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."  -- Thomas 

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kelvin Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Aug 18, 2007 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Cookies and sent headers
To: "M. Sokolewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

the javascript code can definitely change to head("location: whatever.php")
for redirection, if that's the solution, that would be the way to go, but if
you're encountering quite similar problems later you can try ob_start() or
whatever that was recommended in the comments before M. Sokolewicz's
bullshitting comment.

On 8/18/07, M. Sokolewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> bullshit,
> what he sees is a warning emitted by PHP, his redirect is done using
> JavaScript (which is clientside and has no, 0.0 effect on what PHP
> emits). Now, I'm not going to go into how redirecting that way won't
> work (or at least shouldn't), but a hint would be to do it properly
> using header('Location: [...]') instead.
> - Tul
> Sanjeev N wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Its not the problem of cookies. Its problem of redirection or the
> > parent.location.replace function. I mean if you already output something
> on
> > the page and tries to redirect then this problem happens.
> >
> > Redirect before outputting anything on the page.. like space is also an
> > output.
> >
> > Warm Regards,
> > Sanjeev
> >
> > - Submit your website URL
> > - Choose your best web hosting plan
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Otto Wyss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 2:56 PM
> > Subject: [PHP] Cookies and sent headers
> >
> > If built a simple login page and store any information within
> > $_SESSION's. Yet I'd like to move these into cookies but I always get an
> > error about sent headers. Is there a way to circumvent this problem
> > without changing too much in the page?
> >
> > The setting of the cookies happens just at the end of the page.
> >
> >    if (!$errortext and $Anmelden) {
> >      if (!empty($Permanent)) {
> >        $expires = time()+ 365 * 86400;  // 365 days
> >        setcookie ("l.Lastname", $_SESSION['l_Lastname'], $expires);
> >        setcookie (" l.Firstname", $_SESSION['l_Firstname'], $expires);
> >        setcookie ("l.Email1", $_SESSION['l_Email1'], $expires);
> >        setcookie ("l.Email2", $_SESSION['l_Email2'], $expires);
> >      }
> >      echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
> >            parent.location.replace('$index_php";
> >            </script>";
> >      exit;
> >    }
> >
> > O. Wyss
> >
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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M. Sokolewicz wrote:
On a sidenote, 99% of the world never calls ob_flush (or any such function) since PHP flushes the buffer automatically at the end of its execution.

I'll keep the ob_end_flush just for showing what's going on, but thanks for the hint.

The reason why setting cookies for you doesn't work is because of the way a HTTP response is structured. It consists of 2 parts: header and body separated by 2 new lines (\n\n). It is _required_ that _all_ headers come _before_ the body. Cookies are actually headers (a set-cookie: [...] header) aswell as any headers set via php's header() function. Any output made by the script (be it a single whitespace, a bunch of text, etc.) will automatically flush the headers, followed by the separator (\n\n) followed by the specified output. After that has been sent, everything outputted will be dumped into the body of the response (simply because you can't "go back" to the headers which were already sent earlier), so you can't set cookies (which are headers themselves).

Thanks, now it's understandable.

So, why does output buffering help here? Simply put, instead of dumping headers and any other output directly to the client, PHP buffers it all into memory. As such, since it hasn't been sent yet, PHP can still alter/add headers even though it also has body-output. Once it receives the command, PHP will send all headers, the separator and the output to the client. This is done when PHP encounters an ob_flush or ob_end_flush call, _and_ when the script has finished execution automatically.

The documentation seems pretty clear to me, however, if you feel it should be clarified better, feel free to send a patch to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.

- Tul

O. Wyss

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M. Sokolewicz wrote:
emits). Now, I'm not going to go into how redirecting that way won't
work (or at least shouldn't), but a hint would be to do it properly
using header('Location: [...]') instead.

I'm aware that using Javascript within a PHP code block doesn't seems
logical yet I haven't known header ('Location...). In my case I could easilly do without redirection but just exit and fall back on the calling page. Yet I want to remove the login page from the browser history. Does the header function have the same effect?

O. Wyss

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Sorry for late response.
The main idea is in sending text messages using email, SMS, our messaging
service. Also you can hold some web notes there.
I agree it is not good for now.

This is just start of this project.
I am trying to do one step to WEB2 world.
You can look ,

I mean DHTML, PHP, AJAX can do fantastic things 

If you have better idea tell me please

Thank you Dan very much

Best, Gevorg

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2007 4:05 AM
Subject: [PHP] Re:

What is this supposed to be exactly?  I gather from looking at it quickly 
that uses can signup, then send messages to other signed up users right?

So it's like email, but you can only send messages to other people that 
signup, and login through that specific webpage.  Forgive me but I don't see

the appeal, what is this for?

- Dan

""Gevorg Harutyunyan"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hello,
> I am Gevorg.
> I just wanted to introduce you my new PHP based work here
> <> .
> It is working on PHP and MySQL and here is used DHTML, AJAX.
> Thank you very much.
> Waiting for your response
> Regards,
> Gevorg

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