Ok Robin,
Many Thx!

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On 11/01/2001 at 16:13 Robin Vickery wrote:

>>>>>> "S" == "K Simon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Thx, but could anybody give me an example? It shouldnt be too hard?!
>If you feel you have to do it in php then this should work. You'd save
>a lot of effort if you used the unix 'cut' command though.
>cut -d ' ' -f 1 inputfile.txt > outputfile.txt
>is equivalent to (but considerably faster than) this:
>$in_file   = fopen( "inputfile.txt",  "r" ) or die( "failed to open input file."  );
>$out_file  = fopen( "outputfile.txt", "w" ) or die( "failed to open output file." );
>while ( !feof($in_file) ) {
>  fwrite( $out_file, strtok(fgets($in_file, 1024), " ") . "\n");
>fclose ($in_file);
>fclose ($out_file);
>Still nothing
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