>Anyone know of a cfg option that would make files written
>by php be a different user/group than the apache server user/group?

You could run PHP as a CGI wrapped by suExec (http://apache.org) -- Be sure
not to use --with-safe-mode, as suExec and Safe Mode do mostly the same
thing, but they fight with each other trying to do it, and it pukes.
(Symptom: You get the PHP binary dumped to your browser.)

>With my current setup, the only way to give php write access also
>allows any surfer write access to that same folder...which is "not a good

No.  You can write it to a directory *OUTSIDE* the web tree which is
writable by the user 'nobody'.  On most Un*x boxes, /tmp is nobody-writable,
so that might be a good place to put the files.  What you do with them after
that...  Well, it depends on what you're trying to do...

If you want to use PHP as a Module for performance reasons, you pretty much
need to put some serious though in how to do this -- The problem being that
PHP runs as a nobody user, and if you make it possible for nobody to
create/write files/directories, there is danger.

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