Addressed to: "Dallas Kropka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Reply to note from "Dallas Kropka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 13 Jan 2001 
19:15:02 -0600
> I need to create files and reports for importation into QuickBooks,
> but they need to be in the IIF file format that QuickBooks
> supports.... where can I find information for creating these files?

The content of the iif files is defined in Quickbooks help.  Look for
IIF or Data import.  It differs for each type of data you are
transferring. You will have to look in help to get the definitions.
There is also info on the subject and example files on the quickbooks
web site., I think. Search on IIF, and maybe the
type of file you want to create.

<From memory, not tested>
You can provide several different types of data in a single file.  The
file needs to start with a definition of the fields you are going to
present.  These definition lines start with !.  Each of your data lines
must have the exact same fields in the order you defined them in the !
lines.  You don't have to provide all the possible values, but some
record types do have required fields that must be provided, and filled

Each record is a number of values with "\t" between them. The record
ends with "\r\n".  You must use double quotes so the tabs (\t) and
Dos/Windows style line breaks {\r\n) are converted to the proper
character values.
</from memory>

Once you have reviewed Quickbooks help, and the web site, if you have
specific quesions on your file format, ask again.  It is actually
pretty easy.  The best way to verify your files during development is
to open them with a spreadsheet program.  Also, you MUST backup the
quickbooks data before you try testing your upload.  If it fails for
any reason, just restore, fix the problem and upload again.  Don't feel
bad if you do this a couple dozen times before everything works.

Rick Widmer
Internet Marketing Specialists

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