well, I suppose it could, but it's pretty weird...

why would you want to directly hook up presentation w/sql queries ? :)


Alex Black, Head Monkey

The Turing Studio, Inc.


Saul Zaentz Film Center
2600 Tenth St Suite 433
Berkeley, CA 94710-2522

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (andrew)
> Newsgroups: php.general
> Date: 13 Jan 2001 17:06:48 -0800
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Templates
> Sure,
> My understanding of templating engines
> 1.array or item is assigned to a variable
> 2.php placeholders in a html page match in name to above variable.
> 3.a parser separate from php subsitutes the variable values set in (1)
> into (2)
> I've seen plenty of examples where there is a file containing lists of
> variable to item assignment, and thase files are passed to a one of a few
> template pages for layout.
> There must be a way to pass the result set of an SQL query into the set of
> placeholders - the end result would be that you could call whole sites via
> simple queries. All you have to pass in would be the SQL parameter.
> i.e. Table named 'Pvalues'
> Pvalues                 Sample Row
> ----                    ------
> page_id                 contactus.html
> page_name               Contact Us
> page_title              Contact US
> header_text             Please send an email
> body_text               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> footer_text             thanks!
> You can even generate a list of links dynamically for nav bar via:
> "select page_name, page_id from Pvalues", if you account for performance
> issues.
> If the usre clicks on the "contact us" link, it returns a page_id value of
> contactus.html.  So then:
> "select * from Pvalues where page_id = "contactus.html"
> Then call a templating parser and pass it the values of the select statement
> and which template to use.
> Can this be done, or I am way off base on this?
> regards,
> andrew
> On 1/13/01 7:27 PM, "Michael Kimsal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I thought I understood your question, but I think I need a clarification.
>> Can you elaborate a bit?  I think I have an answer, but I'm not 100% what
>> you're meaning here.
>> Thanks.
>> andrew wrote:
>>> Michael,
>>> Wouldn't a benefit be that you could pass a database query in via that
>>> variable, either via form submit or value of a clicked link?
>>> I know PHP can do this without a separate templating engine, but if you do
>>> use one then you can submit an array to a specific template.  Is there a way
>>> to do this via built in functions without constructing the set of page
>>> object's first, or can you only do this in templates?
>>> regards,
>>> andrew
>>> On 1/13/01 7:06 PM, "Michael Kimsal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>> I looked around the web for templates and founf FastTemplates. Not exactly
>>>>> what i was looking for thoug
>>>>> lets say I have
>>>>> $file = "111"
>>>>> and there is a template "template.txt"
>>>>> and it contains
>>>>> "file #$file is blahlah"
>>>>> how can I make that a template?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> - Peter
>>>> Any reason 'template.txt' couldn't just say
>>>> file $<?=$file;?> is blahlah
>>>> then include('template.txt'); in your main file?
>>>> Not sure why you'd want to complicate things with
>>>> something like FastTemplates - I understand it has a use
>>>> and purpose, but the only long term benefit I see from
>>>> involved schemes like that won't be realized anyway
>>>> (discussion for another day).
> -- 
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