
I haven't had a problem. I'm using Apache 1.3.14 with PHP 4.0.3pl1 + 4.0.4. I
use the same code on 3 computers (depending on where I am when I'm working on
it. Normally it's Win95, but Win2k and WinNT are used as well.

The snippet of code I use is:

--code 1-----
list($scriptBase, ) = explode($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["SCRIPT_NAME"],

--code 2-----
{ $j=0;
  for ($i=1;$i<6;$i++)
  { $addnewName = "photo" . $i;
    $addnewSize = "photo" . $i . "_size";

    if (${$addnewSize} > 0)
      { copy(${$addnewName}, 'temp/'.$SessionID.'.'.++$j.'.jpg');
        $addnewSession['photo'.$j] = 'temp/'.$SessionID.'.'.$j.'.jpg';
        unlink (${$addnewName});
  $addnewSession["photos"] = $j;

--code 3-----
for ($i=1;$i<=$addnewSession["photos"];$i++)
  { if (!@copy($addnewSession["photo".$i],
      { $addnewFileErrors .= " c".$i; }
    if (!@unlink($addnewSession["photo".$i]))
      { $addnewFileErrors .= " d".$i; }

The first line just sets $scriptBase as the base of the web site (so I can use
it anywhere, 'cause moving computers may mean different locations, and as all
the needs of the site is below the site's root, then I just need to work out
where the base of the site is.

The next set of code is to move the files to a temp location (until the script
deals with them in the third chunk). Someone can upload up to five photos, so
this will just go thru each of them, and if there's a file (I know it a photo -
the check was done earlier), 'cause it's size is greater than zero, then move
it. This code will also group together the photos (if someone uploaded a file in
 photo1, photo3 and photo4, then 3 will become 2 and so on, so the photos end up
 as 1, 2, and 3). It also stores the photo's location in the session var, as
well as the number of photos.

The second lot just moves them to their final location.

I haven't tested this code on Linux/Unix servers, but I know it works on
Windows/Apache using PHP 4.0.3 and PHP 4.0.4, irrespective on the operating
system and where the files are located. See if that helps. I don't know why
yours shouldn't work, but I've posted my code so you can see and work with it to
 help yours.

At 09:36 PM 1/15/01, you wrote:
I am trying to allow various users to upload their own picture.  What I
would like to happen is to have the copy statement rename the .jpg
image to the username.  For example, if the username is mike, then I want
the picture to be renamed mike.jpg

The following is a snippet of code:

print "$CUserName" //ensures name is carried over from session

     print "Your picture has been uploaded!";
     print "Error";


The errors I get are as follows:
Warning: unable to open " for reading: Permission denied in
c:\phpweb/fuploadconfirm.php on line 15
Warning: Unlink failed (No such file or directory) in
c:\phpweb/fuploadconfirm.php on line 31

Line 15 is the if copy($userfile........) line in the above code


Line 31 is the unlink statement at the end.


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